Friday, February 27, 2009

Resources: Grammar, Punctuation, and Vocabulary

Books I want to check out:

The Elements of Style by E.B. White and William Strunk
Image Grammar by Harry Noden
Mechanically Inclined by Jeff Anderson
The Giggly Guide to Grammar by Cathy Campbell
Practical Punctuation: Lessons on Rule Making and Rule Breaking in Elementary Writing by Dan Feigelson

The last book, by Feigelson, was reviewed on a new blog I found recently called Two Writing Teachers. You can read their review here. Also on their site I found a great strategy for teaching vocabulary using Sensory Webbing. You can find that post here.

First Grade Journal Entries: Incorporating Skills and Creativity

Below are some excerpts from two of my first graders' journals written during our morning journal time, without any prompting. You will see that the students are experimenting with some of the skills they are learning in class: adding details, writing in sequential order, using a closing sentence, and incorporating voice.

On the 22nd I'm gonna go to Montana.

I'm excited to go to Montana! At Montana my grandma and my grandpa is living there!

On the 22nd I'm gonna go to Montana. My grandma and my grandpa live there. Last year my grandpa helped me build a birdhouse.

I'm happy when I go to Montana to see my grandma and my grandpa.

On the weekend I'm gonna finish my basketball hoop. My dad and I got two more things. The thing is putting the sand in and digging a place for my basketball hoop.

This weekend I had a basketball game. I didn't know the score.

Last night my dad put up a basketball [hoop]. My friends was outside. My friends is Josh and Kyle. My friend Josh played basketball.

This weekend I slept over at my grandma's. My grandma got a sports car. The roof goes off. I was the first kid to be in the sports car. Then I slept over at my friend's. He got a game cube. We played basketball. My friend won the first, then I won the second.


Tomorrow I am going to get a new game for my PSP. It's going to be fun! You should try it. I like to play with my PSP. Why? Because it's really, really fun. Who does not like to play with a PSP? 2 people.

We are learning about Tell Me More. Tell Me More is about writing more, like this tip. Why do bears eat us? We do not taste good.

Hey everyone, how are you? Great. Fine. Give me your money or else. You have to give me your 1,000 or 100. Reese, can you buy me some money? Ok. Why don't you want my money? You want my money? Stop asking that question. You cannot do this to me. Oh great. Oh yes I can. Now do this: aaahhh.

Dominique Rhodes is number 33. He is the best on the Colts. He has a girly name. Who in the world will want a girly name like that?

The pacer test is today. I don't like it. Makes me sick. I might barf. I don't like to run and run.

It's the best day ever. I woke up and the sun smiled at me. I went outside and skipped to the crusty crab. Then he was gone.


Though their writing isn't refined, and sometimes doesn't make sense, it reveals what is important to them and, I'm happy to say, sounds like them. Voice is the hardest thing to teach, but when you help students get into the habit of writing every day (thus developing greater facility with words and with the physical act of writing), teach them the elements of good writing, model good writing, and then give them the opportunity to write about what they care about, their voice will be very apparent!

Journal writing is not the only way for students to have choice during writing, and it doesn't work all the time with every student. Its success really depends on what your purpose in journal writing is. My main purpose was for students to write every day, at the same time, for a specific amount of time. I wanted them to develop ease with writing, so that when they had to write for an assignment, it was not such a challenge for them. I wasn't as concerned about the content, although we did talk about what was appropriate (They couldn't write about video games for days on end; no violence; no unkind words about others.) and where they could get inspiration. Because the students had much control over the content, and since they could choose to start with a drawing or text, I rarely had trouble getting anyone to write.

The most exciting thing I saw in journal writing was the application of skills I was trying to teach. Often I would encourage students to share their writing aloud and then praise the way they were using a certain skill. (And inevitably, the next day someone else would use the skill and want to share!) It was a fun way to give the students choice within writing and accomplish my goals as well!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Should My Writing Program be Skills-Based or Student-Led?

Writing is an art. As such, it requires both a learned set of skills and opportunities for creative expression.

In teaching writing, then, can you successfully isolate these elements or do they need to be taught concurrently? Can you teach a set of skills without giving students an opportunity to express themselves? Can you encourage students to write creatively without equipping them with the necessary tools? Certainly we have tried to teach in one fashion or the other, but what is best?

I took piano lessons for a good part of my life and ended up majoring in piano performance in college. Practicing scales was part of my daily routine, as was practicing great literature. As I practiced, I found that my success with the literature was directly related to how diligently I practiced my scales. When the scales came easily, I no longer had to think specifically about which finger to put on which note, and was freed up to play expressively. Later, when I was required to improvise in a jazz setting, I was able to draw on my knowledge of scales to create a new musical experience. In this case, the skills (scale fingering) were taught in isolation, but in view of finding application in a larger work (great literature).

A few summers ago I took an art class for teachers, the first art class ever in which I was pleased with my art. The method of teaching was direct instruction (draw this, step-by-step) but we had the opportunity to make choices within the structure. Interestingly, every drawing was unique, even though we were taught the same method. In this case, skills and creative expression were taught and encouraged simultaneously.

Skills Practice
In my first-grade classroom, we did daily journal writing as part of our skills practice. I wanted my students to get used to the discipline of daily writing, whether they had something interesting to say or not. Every morning they would come in, pull out their journals, and write. Those who didn't know what to write about could check our brainstorming lists, look at a book for ideas, or start by drawing a picture. I also had my students copy sentences so they could get used to the look and feel of a sentence (capital at the beginning, noun, verb, period at the end). We studied parts of speech in isolation and then applied them in our writing. Our writing assignments frequently mimicked the writing of other authors as we retold stories read in class (fairytales or stories from the basal reader), copied the structure of a mentor text (Go To Bed, Biscuit! by Alyssa Capucilli or The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown), or played off the theme of a book (our worries, from Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes).

Creative Expression
I would also give students choice within assignments. When they learned how to write a thank-you letter, they got to choose their audience (someone in the school - several wrote to the principal!). When they learned about persuasive writing, from I Wanna Iguana by Karen Orloff, they wrote letters to their parents asking for pets they really wanted. When they learned about different forms of poetry, I gave the students free rein in choosing their topics. They could also choose which form to use. In their daily journals, students had complete control over both topic and genre and would often apply skills they had learned in formal writing lessons to their writing.

My suspicion is that sometimes you need to teach skills in isolation. Not everything can be taught successfully using a mini-lesson. However, a skills lesson should always be followed by the opportunity to apply the skills, be it that day or later in the year. Likewise, giving students choices in their writing should be part of your writing program - but not the whole of it. They will be better and more confident writers if they are taught the skills they need to be successful and given the opportunity to express themselves in writing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Curriculum Mapping in Writing - Another Resource

Meridian School District has provided monthly and yearly curriculum maps by grade level as well as links to the Washington State EALRs here. These give a nice overview of the types of writing that happen at each grade level.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Units of Study for Teaching Writing

I am intrigued by Lucy Calkins' work in helping teachers improve their writing instruction. She has created two writing programs with her colleagues from the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project in an effort to model good teaching. One is called Units of Study for Primary Writing, and the other is Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grades 3-5. In each of these programs, Calkins lays out how to establish a Writers Workshop and then provides step-by-step instructions for teaching the many different skills involved in writing.

If you click on one of the above links, you will be taken to a page that lists the units of study. From there, you can click on a specific unit of study to view its annotated table of contents and a summary of the unit. You may also view sample lessons by following the links.

When I was teaching, I proposed buying the Units of Study for Primary Writing to my principal. I thought that one of my colleagues and I could pilot it as a potential writing program for our grade level. He didn't see that there was money in the budget for it (It costs $159), and I didn't have the time to write a grant to obtain funding.

In reviewing the tables of contents again today, I saw some similarities between the progession of my writing program and what Calkins has put together. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised - organizing a Writers Workshop certainly follows some standard "steps," as many books can attest. I wonder, then, if her progression of the units of study might also be a standard progression, and if one might consider her tables of contents as mini-lesson topics and a guideline for developing one's own writing program. After all, as teachers we all borrow each other's ideas and adapt them to fit our teaching style and preferences! Just a thought...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Organizing by Genre, Part 2

The following is a way to organize your writing instruction by genre, based on suggestions from Ken Hyland's article in the Journal of Second Language Writing 16 (2007) 148-164.

The possible stages involved in designing a genre-based course from a text-focus perspective have been outlined by Burns and Joyce (1997) as follows:

1. Identify the overall contexts in which the language will be used.
2. Develop course goals based on this context of use.
3. Note the sequence of language events within the context.
4. List the genres used in this sequence.
5. Outline the sociocognitive knowledge students need to participate in this context.
6. Gather and analyse samples of texts.
7. Develop units of work related to these genres and develop learning objectives to be achieved.

My First Grade Writing Program, using the above framework

  1. Contexts: Classroom (Reading, Science), Home (Letters), Future Schooling (Reports, Essays), Personal Expression (Poems, Journals)
  2. Goals: Students will write in appropriate forms to communicate to their intended audience. Their writing will be legible and will make sense.
  3. Sequence of language events?
  4. Genres: a. Book Recommendations
    b. Lab Reports
    c. Friendly Letters
    d. Thank You Notes
    e. Report
    f. Recounts (personal narratives)
    g. Poetry
    h. Journals
  5. Sociocognitive knowledge (as related to above genres):
    a. We can recommend books to our friends that we enjoy, and learn of interesting books from them as well
    b. Scientists keep track of their learning by writing about their experiments (This also enables them to recreate their experiment later.)
    c. We can communicate with others by writing letters
    d. We can show our appreciation through thank-you notes
    e. We can summarize what we have learned and give information to others through a report
    f. We can explain how an event happened through a recount/narrative
    g. We can express ourselves creatively through poetry
    h. We can express ourselves creatively and explore our thoughts and feelings through journals
  6. Samples of texts (use previous students’ work, my own personal writing and correspondence, and published work)
  7. Units of work & Learning objectives
    a. Book Recommendations – Students recommend books to their friends using a “white board” chart during independent reading centers
    b. Lab Reports – Taught during Science, written together after every Science lesson (In first grade, we copied the day’s learning objective in question form, then the students had to answer it in their own words and illustrate their answer with a picture of the experiment, labeled of course!)
    c. Friendly Letters – Taught initially in the Fall: students write letters to their parents telling them what they are learning in school (parents read during Curriculum Night). Review in Spring: students exchange letters with students in another class
    d. Thank You Notes – Written periodically through the year as we appreciate the volunteers in our classroom
    e. Report – Taught in Winter along with unit on penguins: shared writing, students offer facts they’ve learned and class puts them together into a logical sequence, then students illustrate facts in pairs. All students receive a photocopy of the penguin “report” book.
    f. Recounts – Taught Fall, Winter, and Spring (this skill is assessed in first grade and is an important reading and oral language skill as well): students retell stories as well as personal experiences (Field Day, family traditions, losing and finding an object, what they ate for breakfast, Kite Day)
    g. Poetry – Taught in Spring: students are introduced to many forms using mentor texts and keep a working poetry portfolio. At end of unit, teacher and student collaborate to choose best pieces to put into a student poetry anthology
    h. Journals – Taught in Fall, Winter, and Spring: students write in journals as entry task after learning spelling strategies, where to find ideas, different forms of writing, etc.

Organizing by Genre

There is a lot of emphasis these days on teaching Writers Workshop, which is a process driven approach to teaching writing. This method capitalizes on student choice and, I believe, requires a very knowledgeable teacher to ensure learning objectives are met. In its strictest form, it is an inquiry model, heavy on student discovery and light on teacher-directed or "authoritative" instruction. It's the old "traditional" versus "constructivist" argument. I think this is why I had so much trouble inititally trying to implement it into my classroom. It seemed an "airy fairy" approach without much structure, and I am very much a structure kind of girl! I think students learn better when the teacher has a defined set of objectives and a reasonable way of assessment. Perhaps "learn better" is not the right wording. I do acknowledge that much learning can take place from the simple act of discovery; indeed, I am seeing this happen daily in the life of my almost 1-year-old! But teaching in a school setting requires certain structures to be in place in order to prepare students for further academia and the workplace.

I was delighted to find this piece from the Journal of Second Language Writing that illustrates this same point and further suggests the need for structures as a necessity for functioning in society (communicating within social norms). The author, Ken Hyland, explains that genre literacy pedagogy was the answer in the 1970s to the process writing approach (what's old is new again...). His lengthy article espouses the merits of teaching genre sequentially while allowing for student choice and authentic writing experiences. Though Hyland is a little wordy and focuses his research on English Language Learners (referred to as L2), his is a very informative and relevant article for inclusive classrooms and a great defense against the current wave of process driven writing. He argues:

By making explicit what is to be learnt, providing a coherent framework for studying both language and contexts, ensuring that course objectives are derived from students’ needs, and creating the resources for students to understand and challenge valued discourses, genre approaches provide an effective writing pedagogy.

He explains that genre pedagogy is:
Explicit – Makes clear what is to be learnt to facilitate the acquisition of writing skills
Systematic – Provides a coherent framework for focusing on both language and contexts
Needs-based – Ensures that course objectives and content are derived from students’ needs
Supportive – Gives teachers a central role in scaffolding students’ learning and creativity
Empowering – Provides access to the patterns and possibilities of variation in valued texts
Critical – Provides the resources for students to understand and challenge valued discourses
Consciousness-raising – Increases teachers’ awareness of texts to confidently advise students on writing. (Hyland, 2004, pp.10-16)

Whether or not you choose to read the article in its entirety, I encourage you to try the following approach to genre study:
  1. Introduce the genre by reading many examples. Invite students to list common elements between examples. Add to the list important elements that might not have been mentioned (You need to know what elements characterize the genre in order to do this).
  2. Model writing in the genre (can use a mentor text here).
  3. Do a shared writing with your students.
  4. Invite students to write independently in the genre using the elements listed in #1.

If you do choose to read the article, you will find that Hyland suggests a way to organize your writing instruction through genre study. You can see how I used his method to frame my teaching in first grade in my next post.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PROJECT WRITE: A Look at Children's Writing, K-5

Here is a look at a writing "continuum" at one elementary school in Massachusetts. In this short essay, you can see what genres students study and when, as well as examples of writing at each grade level.

Below is an excerpt. Please click here for the whole article.
In this essay, I will focus on an examination of students' writing (kindergarten to grade five). All of this writing was completed by children who attend the Hardy Elementary School in Arlington, Massachusetts, and who participated in Project WRITE, which was sponsored by the Hood Children's Literacy Project. As I share these children's writing, I will point out the different purposes for which these children wrote. I will explain what classroom teachers and college professors who were associated with the Hood Children's Literacy Project learned from these students' writing, and I will describe the criteria we used to evaluate these students' writing. Finally, I will share with you the conclusions we drew from Project WRITE.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Integration of the Six Traits in First Grade Writing

The following is a suggested schedule to help the teacher organize mini-lessons so as to “cover” the assessed Six+1 Traits during the school year. It is merely a guide. Student work should play the primary role in determining the direction of instruction.

First Trimester: September-December
Week 1 Ideas: Generate ideas
Week 2 Organization: Generate personal idea list
Week 3 Conventions: Spelling strategies
Week 4 Presentation: Define audience and purpose

Week 5 Ideas: Written and illustrated ideas match
Week 6 Organization: Sentence is complete (contains a noun and verb)
Week 7 Conventions: Begin with a capital, end with a period
Week 8 Presentation: Letters formed correctly, legible handwriting

Week 9 Ideas: Identify main idea
Week 10 Organization: Main idea is followed by supporting details
Week 11 Conventions: Punctuation review
Week 12 Presentation: Generate “Criteria for Excellent Writing”
Week 13 Ideas: Writing stays on topic

Second Trimester: January-March
Week 14 Organization: I’m beginning to expand on my 1 main idea
Week 15 Conventions: Expected words are spelled right
Week 16 Presentation: My friends can read my writing

Week 17 Ideas: Idea + 2 supporting details
Week 18 Organization: Beginning, middle, end are present in writing
Week 19 Conventions: Dialogue – quotation marks
Week 20 Presentation: Illustrations show detail and add interest to writing

Week 21 Ideas: My reader gets the general idea
Week 22 Organization: Beginning, middle, end are clear in writing
Week 23 Conventions: Capitals are in the right place
Week 24 Presentation: Paper is easy to read

Third Trimester: April-June
Week 25 Voice: The writing sounds like you, topic matters to you
Week 26 Word Choice: Opening words “hook” the reader
Week 27 Sentence Fluency: Sentences begin in different ways
Week 28 Presentation (Oral): Writing is read to peers

Week 29 Ideas: Idea + 3 supporting details
Week 30 Organization: Beginning, middle, end make sense in writing
Week 31 Conventions: Variety in punctuation – (. ? !)
Week 32 Presentation: Writing is read confidently to peers

Week 33 Voice: It sounds like you’re excited about this topic
Week 34 Word Choice: This shows your imagination
Week 35 Sentence Fluency: Paper is easy to read out loud
Week 36 Organization Ending ties it all

Scope and Sequence for Writing Instruction

For several years I have been looking for a scope and sequence for teaching writing, specifically for a first grade classroom. Unfortunately, I have come up with next to nothing. I have found developmental guides that show the progession from writing scribbles to representing ideas in words, but nothing that suggests how a year of writing should look in the classroom.

When I was teaching first grade, I implemented a modified Writers Workshop in my classroom. I worked with diverse learners (at one time I had 7 English Language Learners in my classroom speaking 4 different languages) and had multiple classroom management issues. Besides the challenges of working with young children (short attention spans, limited life experiences from which to draw, physical difficulty in forming letters), I had students in special ed, students taking first grade for the second time, students with ADD and ADHD, and students with a wide variety of home situations. I did not feel like a Writers Workshop in which students had complete control over their topics, genres, and revision process would be successful in my classroom. So we did more of a Guided Writers Workshop, where I taught mini-lessons and presented many teacher demonstrations and shared writing lessons, and then students were given an opportunity to write on a topic or in the genre of my choice. During their independent writing time, I would walk around and provide scaffolding for students as needed (writing for those who were in the "tracing" phase, encouraging more advanced writers to elaborate, etc.). We always celebrated each other's writing at the end of our writing time. Sometimes we took our writing through the entire writing process, but many times we did not. Students were free to explore topics and genres of their choice during their journal writing time (their entry task each morning), and often I was pleased to see them experimenting with what they had learned in our more formal writing lessons.

Because I chose the mentor text, topic, or genre for the day/week/month, I was able to come up with my own scope and sequence for the year:

First Trimester
Generating Ideas for Writing (2 weeks)
Basics of Writing (6 wks)
Narrative Writing I (5 wks)

Second Trimester
Expository Writing (6 wks)
Retell (4 wks)
Generating Ideas for Writing (1 wk)
Friendly Letter (2 wks)

Third Trimester
Research Report (3 wks)
Narrative Writing II & the Writing Process (5 wks)
Poetry (4 wks)
How-To Writing (1 wk)

I used this outline in combination with a skills-based sequence (My Integration of the Six Traits) to help organize my teaching. It is vague enough to allow for varying mentor texts, author studies, and across-the-curriculum links, yet structured enough so that I knew when I would "cover" each of the required genres. It also follows somewhat of a developmental sequence (My first graders were not ready to do a research report or write thoughtful poetry at the beginning of the year, although I know several first grade teachers who have been successful with teaching poetry first.). Additionally, it allows me to select anchor papers throughout the year from each genre to put into student writing portfolios and to guide in assessment.

I know not all teachers like following such a structure, but there is something to be said for teaching the same thing at the same time. When everyone at a grade level is teaching narrative writing, for instance, it makes collaboration that much easier: sharing ideas, discussing grading, forming and assessing rubrics.

I don't think a strict writing curriculum is the answer, but I also don't think Writer's Workshop in any form can succeed without specific teacher training and tools such as a writing scope and sequence so that teachers are knowledgeable about the process of teaching writing and have the support of their colleagues as they teach.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mentor Texts, Part 2

Here are some links from to lesson plans using mentor texts. I have organized them by form.

Friendly Letter, Persuasive Writing
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin
Focus Trait: Voice (persuasive writing)
Support Trait: Organization (friendly letter form)

I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff
Focus Trait: Voice
Support Trait: Word Choice

4-5 paragraph essay
How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long
Focus Trait: Organization
Support Trait: Sentence Fluency

Short Story, roughly 2 pages
A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon
Focus Trait: Idea Development (strong details: show, not tell)
Support Trait: Voice (using emotional words)

Writing Exercise: Forming a Good Sentence
Hooway for Wodney Wat by Helen Lester
Focus Trait: Sentence Fluency
Support Trait: Varying Sentence Beginnings

I think that once you have taught several successful lessons using mentor texts, you will find a teaching style that works for you. When you have found your rhythm, it becomes easier to develop a lesson from scratch using a mentor text. At that point, you can use books from your existing library to form the basis of your writing “program.” (And once you know how you best organize a writing lesson, you can use the plethora of lists found on the Internet and elsewhere of good mentor texts.)

One Way to Organize a Mentor Text Lesson

1. Present the text to the students
a. Give a brief summary of the plot (don’t give away the ending!)
b. Explain what the students should be listening for as you read (your teaching point or “Focus Trait”)
c. Read the text
d. Discuss how the text illustrated your teaching point
i. Discuss as a group OR
ii. Do a Think-Pair-Share OR
iii. Make a list together OR
iv. Give examples on your own (Unfortunately, this allows for no student interaction but can be used if you are short on time.)
2. Explain writing assignment
a. Model writing the assignment yourself OR
b. Model writing the assignment with student input OR
c. Give students a graphic organizer or list of steps and model following that format OR
d. Bring up a student and guide him/her in modeling the assignment
(You don’t have to model the whole assignment, but at least model how to start. Often, the first sentence is the hardest to write.)
3. Write teaching point on board. This is your look-for, or your objective.
4. Students begin writing!

You can follow this format for any type of writing. The most important element is teacher modeling. Students need to see you write in front of them (This is what you require of them, right?), and they need to see that sometimes writing comes easily and sometimes it does not.

**Rarely do you teach using a mentor text, model the assignment, and have students bring writing to completion in one session. (There are occasions when you can do this, however, especially with younger students who are required to write only a sentence or two.)

When I taught writing to first graders, I tried to divide my writing time (45-60 minutes) in thirds, so that I taught a mini-lesson at the beginning, had them write in the middle, and had students share their writing at the end (Whether they were finished or not, a few students would read their writing aloud and we would clap. I would take notes on who I needed to work with the next day during independent writing time, or what I saw as a common error that needed to be addressed in a mini-lesson).

Below is a sample week using a mentor text.

Day One: Mini-lesson (Read mentor text and discuss)
Day Two: Review mentor text and discussion briefly; model writing; students begin writing
Day Three: Mini-lesson (Bring up 1-3 students independently to share writing with class - validate what they have done well and give them a few suggestions to make their writing better); students continue writing
Day Four and following: Mini-lesson (Model developing ideas, working on transitions, or tying it all together; model revision; or repeat Day Three)

As students bring their writing to completion they can read their writing to a peer, take it through an editing checklist (If you do this, make sure you have introduced this at the beginning of the writing assignment so students don’t feel like you’re making them do “extra” work!), or write in an independent journal. Try to keep the focus on writing rather than on catching up on other assignments or busy work.

Please recognize that this way of teaching is very organic. It is not something where you can plan out specific mini-lessons ahead of time. You can, and should, have an idea of what your teaching points are, but you also need to take into account the pacing of your class: how much time you have for writing (some days, none!), how much guidance your students need (direct instruction as a whole group? small group support? one-on-one?), and how much time they can actually write independently (10 minutes? 20 minutes? 0 minutes?) Good writing takes discipline (writing every day) and constant reflection and revision. You can guide students through this process using the mini-lesson format (and please let them share!) so that there is always some collaborative effort, the feeling that we’re all in this together. Too often I imagine students feel isolated as writers, and when writing is hard, they give up. If you celebrate their writing as they write, and help solve some of their problems (not knowing what to say next, how to organize their thoughts, or how to conclude their writing) as they go instead of at the end by marking up their paper with red marks, I think they have a lot more fun at it! (And you have less to grade, since you have been guiding them all along!)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mentor Texts

What is a mentor text? How is it used in teaching writing? Is it a realistic and effective way to teach writing?

My understanding of a mentor text is a piece of writing, typically a book, that is used by a teacher and/or a student as a model for how to write a certain way. Because a book can be such a long form, picture books tend to be recommended for this type of teaching.

Some ways mentor texts are used:
1. Formally (the teacher reads the text and tells the students what to look for or imitate)
2. Informally (students are given a variety of texts to study independently during writers workshop)
3. To model form (poetry, short story, etc.) or trait (organization, word choice, etc.).
3. To serve as inspiration for a topic
4. To open a writing lesson
5. To illustrate a teaching point (strong ending, varied sentence openers, transitions)

ReadWriteThink has a lesson on using mentor texts to teach organization within a comparison/contrast paper. This is an "inquiry" lesson where students are to discover their best method of organization as they read and study their mentor texts. (I think you would need some highly motivated and focused students in order to have success in this manner of teaching.)

Corbett Harrison, Director of the Northern Nevada Writing Project, often uses mentor texts to illustrate teaching points: sometimes at the beginning of a lesson to inspire kids to write or give them a form to mimic, and sometimes right before they are to revise. Here he lists his top ten mentor texts and gives a brief description of how he uses them in the classroom (very helpful!):

More mentor texts and lesson plans can be found at Corbett Harrison's other website, The lessons are listed alphabetically by mentor text, not skills focus, although at the bottom of the page there are mentor texts organized by the Six Traits (no lesson plans listed for these though).

I think that mentor texts are often presented to teachers as a way to have students learn by being exposed to great writing, but without a "how-to" and having the mentor texts in hand, this method can easily be dismissed. It would be helpful to have teachers or coaches demonstrate how they use mentor texts since they can be adapted to so many teaching styles (Teachers, can you ask your principal to cover your class while you visit a colleague's classroom, with their permission of course?).

Mentor texts are one tool for teaching writing; they are not an established writing "program." I think to be most effective, a teacher should look at an entire year of writing objectives (considering the teaching of form as well as "the six traits"), sketch out a sequence in which to teach them (or use the one provided by the district, if available), and then plug in mentor texts as mini-lessons to illustrate teaching points.

Surely you can teach mentor texts as isolated writing lessons, and I did this very thing my first year or two of teaching, knowing nothing else (I didn't call them "mentor texts" though!). As I taught each lesson I saved student writing samples along with an index card listing my objective and the steps in which I taught the lesson, and put them into a plastic page protector. I filed the lessons in a 3-ring-binder with monthly dividers. Then in following years, I was able to organize the lessons into a scope and sequence that made sense.